
I am not a climber, but I climb

Blog shared with Ladies Climbing Coalition How many times have you heard this before from fellow female climbers? How many times after going to the gym you felt like an impostor, that you didn’t belong but then you came back the next day and climb again? Why climb again when everything feels so against…

So Being a Costa Rican Biologist Must Be So Cool, Right?

A blog shared with Lonely Conservationists My story is not an epic story; to the contrary, I am just another girl who grew up in one of the most biodiverse countries in the world – Costa Rica. You can imagine how much wildlife and nature surrounds you when you grow up here; you hear about Costa…

Sobre mí

Hola, soy Katty. He pasado mi vida investigando ranas, enseñando ecología a estudiantes y soy un fotógrafo amateur de vida silvestre.Últimamente he estado explorando storytelling y fotografía de escalada. Este blog concentra experiencias e historias de varios aspectos de mi vida y que he decidido compartir con ustedes! Gracias por leer!

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